Those who have worked closely with me are aware that for me work is fun. The best can come out of our work only if and when we enjoy it. I have over the years tried to convey this thought to a wider reach of people in Kalpakkam on many different occasions. I find that this is quite close to a central concept of Indian thought, that of Dharma or devotion to duty. According to our ancient scriptures, doing one's duty is not drudgery, but a means of ennobling one's life. By doing one's duty faithfully, a person should find fulfillment in life. In this most noble interpretation, work is worship and therefore a source of joy and bliss. All this is beautifully expressed in three words in Gita: "Yoga Karmasu Kausalam" - Yoga is efficiency in action. If there is efficiency in action, administrative efficiency, work efficiency, and technical efficiency, along with a sense of dedication, a sense of commitment, a sense of pride, and a sense of public motivation, then all our expectations will be fulfilled.